Best Regards,
Looking out for a Job? Below are a few pointers to keep in mind and work on. The pointers will hopefully help you be more systematic and less haphazard when you go looking out for that 'just-the-right-job"
Network: Let the world know you are looking out for a job!
A high percentage of people find jobs through word-of-mouth. Talk to the people you know, including relatives, friends, professors, and former co-workers. Let them know that you are looking for work; ask their advice; seek out introductions to people in the field that interests you.
Customize: Do you think you qualify/have the expertise or experience for different kinds of jobs? Have different, job specific versions of your resume!
Create a custom version of your resume for each job or industry that interests you. Your resume is your first impression! It should highlight/stress upon specific job skills and expertise that the prospective employer is looking out for.
Know yourself !: Know your professional strengths and weaknesses. Know your level of expertise in different skill areas (For example: People Management, Stock Market Analysis, Public Speaking etc...)
Make a sincere list of your primary skills ( your true expertise) and secondary skills. Practice speaking about and articulating your skills in the best possible manner. You need to be able to lay out your skills, and explain how they relate to the job you're seeking.
Organize and Prioritize: Shortlist companies/organizations that you think you can apply to based on your experience, skills, knowledge and overall aptitude. Have a systematic approach to your job applications, it betters your chances considerably!
Make a list to help keep track of your job search efforts. Preparing a list also helps you to organize your priorities and keeps you focused on your goal -- finding your perfect job.
Do your homework !: Ask your self: Do you know about all the job options avaliable to you for the qualification/s you have? Do you know what are the best companies to work for in your line of work? Do you know what sub-skills are in demand in the market right now?
Read the newspaper and trade journals to remain current on developments in your field of interest. Knowing the latest trends and mergers will help set you apart from other candidates in an interview.
Follow up & Say Thank You! : Don't imagine that your interview process ends when you walk out the company door, a well timed followup will help the prospective employer/recruiter keep you in mind. This is especially important when there are multiple candidates being considered for the position.
Follow up on all leads as soon as possible, and be confident when you do so, do not come across as desperate.
And, following an interview, always send a thank-you note the same day.
For any one interested in Marketing Jobs in Hyderabad, here's one to consider:
Position: Sr.Coordinator Marketing
Reporting To: Marketing Manager
Educational Qualification: Any Graduate & MBA will be an advantage
Essential Competencies / Skills:
Experience in marketing activities in the real estate would be preferable.
Job Responsibilities for the Position :
1. Brand Building
2. Brand Existence
3. Competitor Analysis
4. Land Visibility
5. Promotional activities
6. Advertisements aspects
7. key role for the launch of the property
8. Hoarding activities
Anyone interested can e-mail me at:, I will forward your application to a colleague of mine whom I am helping out.